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Device Registration

Why do I need to register my device?

Once you have successfully logged in to our Online Banking system, during each subsequent login, the Online Banking system will check your computer for a cookie (a tiny bit of information) that shows that your device has been registered. If the cookie is present, the Online Banking system will allow you to access your account information by entering your User Name and Password (or Touch ID or 4 digit Passcode, if set up).

If the cookie is not present, the Online Banking system will prompt you to request a new Secure Access Code in order to gain access to your account information. Once the Secure Access Code is entered, you will have two choices for accessing your Online Banking. If you select, “Register Device”, your device will be registered and a cookie will be added to your browser. If you select “Do Not Register Device”, your device will not be registered and a cookie will not be added to your browser. In this case, each subsequent login will require you to enter a new Secure Access Code when accessing your accounts from this device until the device is registered.

These cookies are both device and browser specific. Once a cookie has been added to your browser, it will remain active for one year or until the cookie is removed or deleted. If you access the Online Banking system using a different browser or using a different device entirely, a new Secure Access Code will be required. This security feature provides an extra level of protection to you.

Why do I have to register my device again?

The most likely explanations for having to register your device multiple times are:

  • You are clicking the “First Time User” link
  • You are clicking the Forgot Password checkbox when logging in.
  • Your browser is not set to store cookies from our website (
  • You use a browser plugin that automatically removes browser cookies when you close the browser.
  • Your browser settings are configured to delete cookies.
  • The browser cookie for online banking has been deleted since the last time you logged in. Navigate to the Help menu in your browser for guidance.
  • You are logging in from different browsers or different devices.
  • You deleted and reinstalled the Kitsap Bank Mobile App.
How do I remove the registration from a device?

You can remove the registration of a device/browser by deleting your cookies, or only the cookie related to our online site. Please see your browser help for assistance in deleting cookies.

On a tablet or smartphone, the registration information is automatically uninstalled when you delete the mobile banking app.